Google search engine Optimization for website

With over a billion websites existing, finding the proper one is terribly difficult. For a more focused search, it is useful to think about the words used to search. The words typed into a search engine are called search terms. The more specific a search query is, the more likely it is that the search engine will find the right website.

Better searching

  • Quotation marks (“ ”): Putting a phrase in quotation marks returns only those pages where that specific phrase appears.

  • Plus sign (+): A plus symbol between two search terms returns pages where both the terms appear. Searching for “cats ships” can come back pages that mention each cats and ships.

  • Minus sign (-): A minus symbol between 2 search terms returns pages wherever only the primary term appears. Searching for “islands - tropical” returns pages about non-tropical islands.

  • Asterisk (*): An asterisk is a wildcard that can match a variety of words. Putting an asterisk in a phrase searches for that phrase containing any word in place of the asterisk. Searching for comput* returns results for computer, computation, computes, and so on.


People creating websites often add keywords to them. Keywords make it easier for search engines to find the website. For instance, a webpage for shoes may add “shoes” and “boots” as keywords to its web site

Comparison websites

These websites undertake multiple related searches to collect the results in an easily comparable format. Instead of looking at several websites and filling in a variety of online forms, users can just use one comparison website. Website owners often allow comparison websites to access their data for a charge. It’s also possible for the website to get the data by a systematic process called crawling, where a web robot or crawler gathers information from different websites.


 What’s the secret?

The exact methods used by search engines to work out which websites to return at the top of search results are kept secret. Getting websites to appear further up the rank of results is now a big business for many Search Engine Optimization (SEO) companies.

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