Elements of computer

As we all know, a computer is an electronic device that receives data instructions and processes them to produce desired results. Computation, information storage communication and control are the four major functions that most of today's computers carry out following are the important elements of computer systems.

Hardware:- component is that the assortment of physical elements of a computer system. Example:- monitor, keyboard, and mouse. It additionally includes all the components within the computer case, like the hard disc drive, motherboard, video card, and lots of others. computer hardware is what you'll be able to physically touch. 

Software:- computer software is a collection of information or computer instructions that tell the computer how to work. this is in this can be to physical hardware, from that the system of data and really performs the work. software is a set of programs that include data structures, rules, procedures in the form of instructions that perform logical steps to solve the problem. 

  • People/users:- it refers to the people that work with computers. person will be categorized into.
  •  Users:- user who uses program and and software devloped by others are known as users. Programmers:- people that create and develop the software that ar used by other people are known as programmers. 
  • Analyst- a systems analyst is a computing system professional who specializes in analyzing, designing and implementing computer systems. 

Data information:- data is information that has been translated into a type that's efficient for movement or processing. Relative to today's computers and transmission media, information is info regenerate into binary digital type. it's acceptable for knowledge to be used as a singular subject or a plural subject. 

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